Friday 28 January 2011


“Goodbyes are not forever.  Goodbyes are not the end.  They simply mean I’ll miss you until we meet again!”  ~ Author Unknown

The current Round Robin theme is “Goodbye”.   I actually took a photo that I especially wanted to use for this particular theme and I’m pretty positive that  I formatted that card before uploading it to my computer!   Unfortunately, the photo was just for fun and I was in an urgent need for more memory at a wedding last weekend.

So, I guess once again I’m resorting to ‘cheating’ and using some photos from a few weddings that represent ‘good-bye’ … good-bye to single life.   Or in these cases, goodbye party … hello honeymoon!

                                             They often leave in black town car limos ….

g'bye 1

                                                        Others leave in a classic Rolls Royce limo ….

g'bye 3

                        The adventurous bride leave in a Jeep with beer cans clanging behind ….

g'bye 2

      And then the truly brave bride will exit and say goodbye while having bird seed thrown at them!


Don’t say goodbye without stopping at the other Round Robin participants!  You can find them right over there –> ROUND ROBIN

Thank you for stopping by to visit!